
The author

Back in high school, I kept a private diary…which read whatever toughts and strong words I felt the need to write about; I used to depict my frustrating years as a teenager; describing excessively detailed scenes with no one lurking over my shoulder was a daily task which I enjoyed tremendously; where I revealed things about friends, family and I…
Here I was, holding a very thick book that could either shock or build enmities…it contained hundreds and hundreds of handwritten pages…that all ended up in a bucket of water one day as I felt I was being spied on…so…I stared helplessly as the ink disappeared and irreplaceable souvenirs faded away one by one…
‘See, writing has always been part of my life…an elated moment where I let my thoughts, ideas and imagination fight for room…

This blog is about my imaginative stories and the truth about me (sometimes) …then as you carry on reading, I will imagine your laughter whilst I type away new stories either from my home desk or tucked underneath a duvet…I might even make you cry… hopefully, this will not happen too often…some of you might find my texts ruthless and straight forward as situations unfold…and that’s ok…whilst other’s heart will jump one beat faster…and if that is the case, please let me know…but…

(Oprah’s expression) What I know for sure: is that I write and will continue to do so because I just love it ! I love to delve into my imagination and come up with something exciting. I enjoy what I write…and I do hope you will enjoy it too!

Read on…as Muriel-the-Artistic photographer takes a step back and introduces Muriel-the-writer…